UNMC input sought on NU president search

The University of Nebraska Presidential Search Outreach and Advisory Committee is seeking input from the UNMC community on the process to find the next leader of the NU system.

The committee would like your thoughts on questions such as:

  • What should the next NU president be able to accomplish — and how will we know in the next three to five years that the right person was hired?
  • What are the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing the campuses, the university as a whole, and the state in the years ahead?
  • What kinds of prior experiences, skills and personal attributes should the next NU president have?
  • Is there anyone you would recommend as the next president?

The survey — which can be accessed here — is for students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and friends of the university. The committee will accept survey responses through April 23.

“It’s very important for UNMC’s voice to be heard in this process,” said Dele Davies, M.D., UNMC vice chancellor for academic affairs and a member of the committee. “Please take a few minutes to submit your thoughts and encourage your colleagues to do so.”

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