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Sherry Cherek is Gold U winner for March

Sherry Cherek

In a way, it was kind of a fluke.

Sherry Cherek first came to UNMC to apply for a job in the print shop. But even before the interview ended, she was pretty sure it wasn’t what she wanted. “I was at a medical business college at the time,” she said. “I was looking for a medical secretary type of position.”

What Cherek didn’t know was, Marge Adey, former program coordinator of the continuing education department, also happened to be in the print shop that day — and she thought Cherek sounded like just what she was looking for.

Adey called Cherek at her school and invited her back for an interview in her department.

This job she took — and a lot of people have had reason to be glad of her decision in the 41 years since.

In March, Cherek, now with the department of environmental, agricultural and occupational health in the College of Public Health, was named the Gold U Award winner.

After 28 years with continuing education, she moved to the Eppley Cancer Institute to work for two longtime university researchers and to coordinate their toxicology graduate program. That program joined the College of Public Health in 2009. In that time, she’s worked with many people, and they have all kinds of good things to say about her.

A sample, from among Cherek’s Gold U nominations:

  • “Sherry doesn’t seek fanfare; she simply goes about her daily job, committed to excellence in support of departmental faculty, staff and operations.” – Laura Bashus, College of Public Health
  • “Faculty, staff and students consider Sherry a trusted resource for information and advice.” – Eleanor Rogan, Ph.D., chairwoman, department of environmental, agricultural and occupational health
  • “Sherry makes our faculty look good. She anticipates problems before we are even aware of them and steers us away.” – Chandran Achutan, Ph.D., associate professor and chairman, graduate program

In her current position, Cherek gets to “touch the tip of the iceberg” of a lot of different projects — and she still has fun doing her job and can still learn something new every day.

“I’m proud to be part of the College of Public Health family and UNMC. I’ve always had an interest in the medical field, and I think this fits right in — making the work of faculty and students easier, so they can focus on the issues pertinent to human health.”

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  1. Sue Pope says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Sherry!! Very well deserved honor and long overdue! It's a pleasure and privilege to know you!

  2. Lisa Bally says:

    Congratulations Sherry! – Lisa Bally

  3. Sherry Martin says:

    I had the extreme pleasure of getting to know Sherry when I worked at the College of Public Health. From the very beginning, Sherry welcomed me and took me under her wing. With little to no training in the PhD Program for the Epi Department, I had no knowledge of what needed to be done and what to anticipate. Sherry guided me through the steps providing details and answers to questions I didn't even know to ask. I am grateful to Sherry for extending her hand of welcome and friendship to me and I look forward to many years of friendship to come. Congratulations Sherry! You deserve it.

  4. robert r moutrie says:

    Sherry, Congratulations! You've made major contributions during your entire 41 year tenure at UNMC – bob moutrie

  5. Tom Caffrey says:

    Bravo Sherry!! You've done so much for many over the years, keep up the great work!!

  6. Kitty Dybdall says:

    Kudos Sherry! Long overdue and much deserved. Just 41 more years until the next one…

  7. Diane Landon says:

    Congratulations Sherry! Well deserved!!! Diane Landon

  8. Carol Kolar says:

    Fantastic, Sherry. I am proud to see that UNMC has the good sense to recognize your tremendous contributions. Lots of SilverU's and now the Gold! You are priceless as a friend as well as colleague and I valued our time working together. You go, Girl.
    Carol Kolar

  9. Darcy Jackson says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Sherry!! You so deserve this. For those of you who don't know Sherry, make the effort, she is an amazing person.

    Darcy Jackson

  10. Clarence Ueda says:

    Congratulations, Sherry. The recognition and honor are well deserved!

  11. Mary Haven says:

    Wonderful, Sherry. I have known you for most of those 28 years and I can concur that you have been fantastic in the work you have done. Congratulations.

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