UNO to offer fall classes on UNMC Omaha campus

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (Dodge Street campus shown above) will offer classes at UNMC in the fall.

For the fall semester, the University of Nebraska at Omaha will once again be offering classes from Aug. 25 to Dec. 19 on the UNMC campus. Classes being offered include:

BRCT/THEA 1050-802: Film History and Appreciation

  • 5 to 7:50 p.m. on Tuesdays
  • Bennett Hall, Room 2020

The course will study the aesthetic values of the motion picture, as well as the history of film and a survey of the elements involved. This course meets the UNO General Education requirement of Humanities/Fine Arts. There are no prerequisites. Three credits.

SPCH 4550/8556-802: Nonverbal Communication

  • 5 to 7:50 p.m. on Wednesdays
  • Bennett Hall, Room 2020

The course is designed to familiarize the student with current knowledge and research about nonverbal communication and to provide a wide variety of practical experiences through which the student can analyze and evaluate his or her own nonverbal behavior and that of others. The course, also, reviews the functions, areas and applied contexts of nonverbal communication. To register requires successful completion of SPCH 2010 or 2410, as well as junior standing. Three credits.

SOC 2150-802: Sociology of Families (Marriage and the Family)

  • 5 to 7:50 p.m. on Mondays
  • Bennett Hall, Room 2020

The course provides a description and analysis of contemporary families from a sociological perspective. A life course perspective traces the development of family life, with special attention to change, choice, and diversity. Topics such as family structure, the functions of the family as an institution, family comparisons across culture and time, and difficulties faced by families in contemporary society also will be explored. This course meets the UNO General Education requirements of US Diversity and/or Social Sciences. There are no prerequisites. Three credits.

Full-time, regular employees can take advantage of the Employee Scholarship program, which allows employees to take up to 15 credit hours per academic year at any University of Nebraska campus.
To register for any of these classes, employees must be enrolled at UNO. To enroll, fill out an application.
Once the admissions process is completed, you will be given a mavlink account. This is where you will register for classes.

For questions regarding registration and enrollment, please contact UNO Off-Campus Programs at 402-595-2371. For general questions, please contact Nicole Krom in Human Resources at 559-6020.

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