Next Durham lecture takes a sporting look at history

Mick Hale, director of education at The Durham Museum, is throwing a curveball during his next historical presentation at UNMC with “A Look Back at 1968: Sports.”

Hale will speak as part of the UNMC-Durham Museum Time Travelers Program at noon on April 10 at the Sorrell Center, Room 2014.

The social forces that swirled through the turbulent 1960s crested in 1968. It was a turning point for a generation coming of age and a nation at war.

Not to be outdone, the sports world produced many of the all-time greatest moments in competition throughout this tumultuous year. From Peggy Fleming winning gold in Grenoble, Lew Alcindor and the continued dynasty of UCLA basketball, and O.J. Simpson winning the Heisman Trophy, to native Omahans Bob Gibson and Marlin Briscoe setting records and breaking the color barrier, 1968 was a watershed year in the world of sports.

“The 1968 Exhibit” is on display now at The Durham Museum through May 4, Please visit the museum website for more information on “The 1968 Exhibit” and other opportunities to connect with this historic exhibition.

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