Lookin’ at U – Jamie Gill

Jamie Gill

Each Thursday, we feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Jamie Gill
  • Hometown: Council Bluffs, Iowa
  • No. of years at UNMC: Since Aug. 12, 2013

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.
I am the clinical education associate in the physical therapy department. A portion of my job is to assist in setting up students with their clinical rotations. In addition, I also arrange the affiliation agreements with the clinical locations. I am also the finance support for several departments within Bennett Hall.

“Commitment to excellence” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed this commitment at UNMC.

I have not been here very long, but there have been numerous times I have witnessed commitment to excellence. It is difficult to point out just one. There have been several occasions where I have witnessed teamwork, where someone just took the lead to get something done or by simply adding new ideas to create a smoother process. It is refreshing to see this commitment. I am fortunate to work with a great group of people here in Bennett Hall.

What is your favorite winter activity?

There is absolutely nothing that I enjoy about winter. It is always too cold! I suppose the snow can be a pretty sight at times — when you do not have to go out in it.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I have been to or through several states — at least 21 of them. I have even lived in Florida, California, and Arizona and still somehow managed to end up in Iowa, where it is cold.
  • I love “The Fast and the Furious” movie franchise. Even more than my husband does.
  • I am extremely afraid of spiders.
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  1. Geri Finn says:

    Yay Jamie! You are awesome.

  2. Melissa Dorr says:

    Jamie is always there to help out, even when she is super busy with her own work. She is an excellent teacher. I am SO thankful that I get to work with Jamie! 🙂

  3. Fran Higgins says:

    Jamie, I WILL convert you to the wonders of winter! You gotta come skating before the rink closes. And for your arachnophobia, just watch the adorable peacock spider dance to YMCA on Youtube. 🙂 Glad to have you in the SAHP!

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