Wellness Wednesday: Buddy up for fitness

A new year offers motivation to begin an exercise program, but it sometimes can be hard to continue one. Many people find exercising with a buddy can be a key to success.

The reasons?

  • You’re more likely to schedule and adhere to workouts.
    Having an exercise buddy that depends on you is an excellent way to increase exercise adherence. First, you will likely have a scheduled time to meet your buddy to work out, rather than a tentative time you may plan for yourself (“If I have time.”). Second, you’re more likely to keep that exercise appointment with someone waiting for you.

  • Time goes by faster. Time can drag on when you’re working out alone. Have you ever walked on the treadmill, feeling like you must have been there for 20 minutes, only to find out that it’s only been 10? Chatting with a buddy while working out can help the time go by faster and keep you from watching the clock.
  • You may increase the intensity of your workout.
    A workout buddy can be the motivation you need to increase your exercise intensity. Go for a walk or run with a friend who walks a little faster than you. Chances are, you’ll find yourself walking faster to keep up. There’s a competitive side to most of us – you’ll want to keep up with your buddy, whether in the weight room, running or walking.

  • You gain an outside perspective.
    Your workout buddy will likely recognize your fitness progress before you do. Having someone to remind you of that progress when you need it most can be very motivational.

  • Celebrating successes.
    Celebrating is usually more fun with a friend. You and your workout buddy can celebrate your fitness successes! Set short term goals — celebrate when you reach them!

Although having a workout buddy can be motivating, you want to choose wisely. The following tips may aid you in your choice:

  • Are your current workout levels similar? Will you be able to keep up with each other and motivate each other to work a little harder?
  • Will they commit and be reliable? Will they commit to scheduled workout times? Do they tend to keep their appointments?
  • Will they provide you with encouragement and objective feedback and accept yours?

The right workout buddy can greatly enhance your exercise experience. Buddy up for fitness!

Jeannie Hannam is the wellness manager at UNMC’s EngAge Wellness, a program of the Home Instead Center for Successful Aging.

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