Learn@Lunch presentations are set for 2014

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Dates and topics are set for the UNMC Human Resources Department’s 2014 Learn@ Lunch Series.

The series, entitled, “Conflict Management: Ignoring the Obvious,” will feature three presentations:

  • Feb. 13: “Do Your Homework!”
    David Hubbard, J.D., the director of facilitation and training at the Mediation Center, will speak on preparing for difficult conversations in order to reduce anxiety and increase self-confidence. The result: constructive conversations with better results. Reflecting on the goals, interests, needs and purpose in having these conversations helps to gain clarity, increase understanding, generate creative options and focus on realistic problem solving.

  • March 13: “How Not to Ignore the Elephant in the Room”
    Paula Pace, a consultant with the Executive Development Group, will speak on the perils of avoiding difficult conversations – choosing to ignore
    the elephant in the room rather than engage. In a productive workplace, conflict is inevitable and can be both positive and negative. This session will discuss recognizing conflict, accepting responsibility to engage and managing it. It will provide skills to effectively engage, manage resistance, separate the person from the behavior and work towards a common understanding.

  • April 30: “Difficult Personalities (You Know Who You Are)
    Karen Lisko, Ph.D., the president of Motivatics, will speak on understanding the most difficult personalities, including how to deal most effectively with them, as well as understanding both one’s own foibles that make these personalities so difficult and what motivates these difficult personalities.

All presentations are 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Durham Research Center auditorium.

Registration is required. A boxed lunch will be provided to the first 150 participants who attend the session. To register, log on to UNMC Employee Services, click on the “Education” tab and then on “Event Registration.”

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