Seasonal security: Parking lot safety

This is the second of three stories on seasonal safety. Today’s topic: Vehicle and parking lot safety.

Here are some tips for safety around your vehicle and in the parking lot.

  • Close the windows and sunroof. Lock the doors and activate any security devices when leaving your car unattended.
  • Never leave cash, credit cards, cell phones, sunglasses, vehicle documents or other valuables in the car.
  • Never leave your keys in the car, even for a second — treat them as you would your cash and credit cards.
  • Park with care, particularly at night. If possible, park in a busy, well-lit area, park near classmates and colleagues.
  • Be aware of your surroundings as you approach your vehicle, even looking underneath as you approach it.
  • Have your keys in your hand as you approach your vehicle.
  • Check the backseat and floor before entering your vehicle.
  • If you notice something unusual in or around your vehicle, keep walking to a safe place and call security dispatch at (402) 559-5111 if you are on campus. If you are off campus, call the police at 911.
  • Arrange for a campus security escort to your vehicle.

For the hardy winter bicycle commuters, here are some tips for protecting your bike and making it a less attractive target for crime:

  • Lock it up. Use a heavy-duty bike lock (a U-bar lock is recommended).
  • Lock your bike to a bike rack.
  • For your own personal use, record the identifying characteristics and the serial number of your bike. Remember to keep the information in a safe place.
  • Always lock your bike, even if you are leaving it for just a minute.
  • If your bike is stolen or vandalized while on campus, report the incident promptly to campus security, ext. 9-5111, and the Omaha Police Department (OPD). Bikes stolen or vandalized off campus should be reported to OPD.

If you are threatened:

If you are threatened anywhere or at any time, you should notify the police (911) immediately. If the threat occurs on campus or pertains to your work or study on campus, or could impact your safety and/or the safety of others on campus, report the situation immediately to security dispatch at (402) 559-5111 and your administrator.

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