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Seasonal security: Tips for safety as evenings get darker

First of three parts:

As it continues to get dark earlier, the UNMC Campus Security office offers these tips for improving your safety on and off campus.

Today’s focus: Improving your personal safety while walking or taking public
transportation on campus or in the community at large.

While walking on city streets:

  • Try to travel in a group. There is safety in numbers, and attacks are less likely to occur if you are with other people.
  • Keep your ears open — iPods or other devices that use headphones should not be used when walking. Criminals look for easy targets, and not only are headphones a sign you’re not paying attention to your surroundings, but the devices they’re attached to can also be a tempting target for thieves.
  • When confronted by someone looking to cause you harm, yell, scream and attract as much attention as possible. The unwanted attention may be enough to scare away your attacker.

When using public transportation:

  • Check your route schedule in advance.
  • Keep a copy of the transit schedule for reference should you need to leave earlier or later than usual.
  • Be aware of your surroundings walking to and from the bus stop.
  • Remember that cell phones and mp3 players can be distracting and limit your ability to hear what is going on around you, possibly preventing you from being alert to potential signs of danger.
  • Walk with purpose and a confident stride.
  • Plan to arrive at the bus stop only a few minutes before departure time.
  • Sit near the front of the bus.
  • If you are on the bus and someone bothers you, tell the driver immediately.
  • Where possible, and especially at night, coordinate your transit travel with companions you know and trust.

When working alone and/or working at night:

  • Keep doors between you and the public locked when working alone
  • Review with your supervisor and follow established working alone check-in procedures.
  • When leaving your office for the night, proceed cautiously and look and listen for suspicious persons or situations before leaving the security of your office.
  • Remain cautious as you are leaving.
  • If you have any concerns stay in or immediately return to your office with the door locked and call Security Dispatch at (402) 559-5111.

Campus escort

Employees and students may arrange for an on-campus security escort (e.g. to vehicle in parking lot, within buildings or to perimeter of property) by phoning security dispatch at (402) 559-5111.

Tomorrow: Parking lot safety

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1 comment

  1. Karen Merwald says:

    I work at a satellite clinic Oakview Medical Building. Many times I leave the building alone and I wish there were some sort of security officer around. I wonder if we could use the Oakview Shopping Center security. He could add our parking lot to his rounds.

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