Lookin’ at U – Nancy Meier

Nancy Meier

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Nancy J. Meier
  • Hometown: Sidney, Neb.
  • No. of years at UNMC: 15 years

Tell us what you do here at UNMC.

I teach at the UNMC College of Nursing (CON) West Nebraska Division in Scottsbluff. I’ve taught many courses in the undergraduate CON; I’m now assisting in teaching in the graduate CON. My main specialties are gerontology and psychiatric mental health, with a focus on older adults. I have post-master’s certificates as a family nurse practitioner, geriatric nurse practitioner and a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.

Commitment to excellence is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed commitment to excellence at UNMC.
Working with the team on the UNMC CON Mobile Nurse Managed Clinic to complete older adult evaluations in rural areas, I’ve seen not only commitment to excellence, but a true interdisciplinary team approach. Each older adult is evaluated by students in the advanced practice registered nurse program and geriatric advanced practice registered nurses. Data is interpreted by specialized members in radiology, pharmacology and social services. A holistic exam includes an extensive physical exam, EKGs, laboratory tests, functional assessments, radiography exams, psychometric testing for dementia, depression and other psychiatric disorders, as well as caregiver support. When recommendations are made to the patient, family and their local providers, it is an evidenced-based collaborative plan that demonstrates true partnership with the rural community. It’s a privilege to work in this environment.

What is your favorite winter activity?

Walking the dog right after a snow storm; sitting by the fire at the ski lodge watching everyone else get cold!

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I was struck by lightning when I was a child. That explains a lot about who I am today!
  • I taught operating room nursing at Texas Heart Institute in Houston and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, specializing in cardiac and vascular surgery.
  • About 10 years ago, I had global amnesia; I didn’t have any memory for three days. Neighbors found me outside in the snowstorm, ‘looking to the east!’ Family said I had a different voice, and I wasn’t in Nebraska! I guess this might be related to my answer about liking to walk the dog after snow storms. Never remembered those days.
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