Lookin’ at U – Maureen Fitzgerald

Maureen Fitzgerald

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about Maureen Therese Fitzgerald, program and logistics coordinator for CityMatCH.

  • Name: Maureen Therese Fitzgerald
  • Hometown: Armstrong, Iowa
  • No. of years at UNMC: 25

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.

I am the program and logistics coordinator for CityMatCH, which is a freestanding national membership organization of city and county health departments’ maternal and child health (MCH) programs and leaders. It is housed within the College of Medicine/department of pediatrics. My current position involves planning and executing trainings, meetings and conferences all over the U.S., particularly the annual CityMatCH Urban MCH Leadership Conference and the National Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference.

“Working together” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed an example of people working together at UNMC.
Some years ago, our section dropped the annual holiday party/gift exchange, choosing instead to perform community service. The brainstorming sessions to plan the “where and when” are really cooperative. Genuine teamwork at the project site reflects leadership and staff working together for a common purpose. And we have so much fun!

What is your favorite fall activity?
This one is a tie: attending the Weston, Mo., Irish Fest each October with family and friends ranks right up there with going to Iowa State Cyclone football games/tailgating with my cousins.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • For years now, I have been quietly, indiscriminately collecting antique barn pulleys.
  • 4-H is my lifelong addiction — judging county and state fairs, teaching workshops, volunteering. “We Bleed Green.”
  • My sister, Colleen McNamara, is my best friend.
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  1. Brent Saron says:


  2. Nicole Lindquist says:

    I love Weston! But I love Iowa State even more! You're a cool cat, Maureen! 🙂 Go Cyclones!

  3. Michelle Ellermeier says:

    Maureen is such an incredible person with a gift for leadership. UNMC is lucky to have her!

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