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Dodge Street resurfacing begins today

The City of Omaha’s asphalt resurfacing project on Dodge Street between 30th Street and 52nd Street begins today.

The work is expected to take up to eight weeks.

To read a letter from the city detailing the project, click here.

Milling will be done during the day, and resurfacing operations on Saturdays and Sundays. Two lanes will be closed at a time, so traffic will be limited to one lane each way. Work will start in the eastbound lanes at 52nd and move toward 30th/Turner Blvd., and the city anticipates the entire 22-block stretch will be limited to one-lane traffic (in each direction) to accomplish the work as quickly and safely as possible.

UNMC students, faculty and staff may wish to adjust travel and commuting plans to accommodate the lane closures.

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