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Wednesday event kicks off disaster preparedness month

Jono Anzalone, division disaster executive for the North Central Division of the American Red Cross, will speak on the role of non-profits in disaster response later this month.

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month, and UNMC’s Center for Preparedness Education will be hosting several events and activities throughout the coming weeks.

The Center for Preparedness Education works to enhance preparedness knowledge and skills through affordable needs-based training, customized organizational assistance with disaster exercises and comprehensive resources. Click here for resources and information on upcoming training.

Kicking off the events is a presentation on “Personal Preparedness” by Keith Hansen, assistant director of biosecurity and biopreparedness, to be held at noon Wednesday (Sept. 4) at the Maurer Center for Public Health, Room 3013. (Distance viewing is available. This link will be active five minutes before the start of the event.)

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Keith Hansen will speak on personal disaster preparedness on Wednesday.

The session will provide an overview of disaster preparedness, emphasizing the importance of personal preparedness.

Jono Anzalone of the Red Cross will speak at noon on Sept. 19. The presentation will be held at the Maurer Center for Public Health, Room 3013. (Distance viewing is available. This link will be active five minutes before the start of the event.

Anzalone, division disaster executive for the North Central Division of the American Red Cross, will speak on the role of non-profits in disaster response, specifically referencing the American Red Cross response to Hurricane Sandy in October 2012.

Attendees to these events are invited to bring their lunches; lunch will not be provided.

The Center will close out the month with a Preparedness Fair from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 30 on the green space outside UNMC’s Sorrell Center, featuring several organizations involved in community preparedness efforts. (In case of inclement weather, the fair will be held in the Durham Outpatient Center Atrium.)

Throughout the month, the Center, along with UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center, will have booths throughout campus cafeterias to provide information as well as campus weekly publications.

Also, be on the lookout for the “Preparedness Watch” for your chance to get a small prize.

You can also get involved on twitter (hashtags @PrepEd, @NebraskaMed, #natlprep, or @30Days_30Ways), Facebook or LinkedIn.

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