Call for entries: Photo contest to explore diversity

Contest entries will celebrate the richness of diversity experienced by UNMC faculty, staff and students. This photo of children in a rural African school was taken by UNMC employee Lisa Spellman during a mission trip in 2011.

As part of International Week, which is set to take place Nov. 11-15, the Global Health Student & Faculty Advisory Committee will sponsor a photography contest to celebrate the richness of diversity experienced by UNMC faculty, staff, students and residents.

Every year, international visitors from more than 60 countries come to campus and many faculty, staff and students travel around the world. Everyone is welcome to share those experiences, through pictures, and provide a sense of what it is like to live, work or play in a land that is not your home.

International Week activities, to be announced at a later date, will provide opportunities for the UNMC community to meet and mingle with people from around the world. Some of the activities include a morning and afternoon tea, movie night, badminton and ping pong.

Rules for the contest are as follows.

  • Photographers must be UNMC students, faculty, residents or staff members.
  • Photographs must have been shot by the entrant since Aug. 1, 2010.
  • Limit one entry per person.
  • No entry fee.
  • Digital photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible and must be submitted in a .jpeg format.
  • Files submitted may not be larger than 5Mb.
  • Submit a brief description (50 words or less) of the photo.
  • Digitally or otherwise enhanced or altered photos will not be accepted.
  • By entering the contest, entrants grant UNMC a royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license to display, distribute and reproduce, in whole or in part, in any media now existing or subsequently developed, for any educational, promotional and publicity purposes.

Judging will be conducted by independent photographers, Scott Dobry and Phil Nealey, two UNMC-approved vendors. You can find more information about them on the branding resources website.

The top five winning photographs and one best in show chosen will be announced in UNMC Today on Nov. 7, displayed on campus during International Week and published in the February 2014 issue of Connect. Photographs also will be displayed on UNMC’s website and other social media outlets.

To enter, complete the online submission form here.
The deadline for entries is Sept. 20.

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