Email class will offer space-saving tips

Are you getting warnings that you need to free up space on email? Do you receive emails asking you to click on a link to get more email disk space?


These are scam emails and could cause computer viruses and other problems if you click on the link.

Email management tips

What: Outlook training class
When: 11 a.m. to noon today
Where: Wittson Hall Amphitheater, Room 3034

All UNMC staff receive 2 GB (students receive 1 GB) of email space, and the only way to gain more email space is to delete old messages.

To save significant space in just a few minutes:

  • Go to your “Sent” folder, sort by message size and start deleting messages you no longer need, or at least delete the attachments. If it is in your “Sent” folder, you probably already have the file saved on your computer.
  • If you have messages you don’t need on a regular basis but need to save for later reference, save those messages on a network drive (drag and drop from email or convert to PDF) and then delete them from Outlook.

Learn more about these and other time-saving tips and Outlook tools that will help you manage your email in an “Email Management Tips” session set for 11 a.m. to noon today in the Wittson Hall Amphitheater, Room 3034. No registration is required. This session will also be recorded and available here shortly after the presentation.

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