Lookin’ at U – Gerri Sullivan

Gerri Sullivan

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about Gerri Sullivan, an office associate for campus security.

  • Name: Gerri Sullivan
  • Hometown: Omaha
  • No. of years at UNMC: Just over six years

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.

I am an office associate with campus security. My first five years, I was a campus security officer, so I was in the trenches wearing the blue. Now, I get to read the reports and process the reports. I don’t have to “live the dream,” I just log them in.

Being a leader is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group act as a leader at UNMC.
The campus security supervisors that I have had have always led by example. So by seeing them perform to maintain that high standard, it makes you try to be just as good, to maintain the integrity of the office.

What is your favorite summer activity?
Just spending time with my family. My priorities are God, family and work, so spending time with my family is the goal. My children are 14, 16 and 18 — one’s starting UNL. So trying to keep up with them . . . But now that they’re driving, I can enjoy things a little more rather than being the mom that moves them from activity to activity.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • My full name is Gerardette Sullivan. My mom was a very religious person, and St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers. If I were a boy, I’d be Gerard.
  • As of today, I have lost 31 pounds since the beginning of the year.
  • As a little girl, I was an ethnic folk dancer for the Polish Women’s Alliance.
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  1. Jerrie Dayton says:

    Nice to learn more about you Gerri, I never would have guessed your full name. My parents picked out a boys name for me as well and just spelled it different when I turned out to be female. Congratulations to you on your weight loss achievement. Good Job, it's nice when your hard work pays off!

  2. Dorothy/Dot Northwall, Faculty Development says:

    Congratulations on your weight loss, Gerri! I remember when you were a campus security officer and you were always very nice to everyone. It is always fun to get to know more about each other. I am so happy that you are a part of our UNMC team, Gerardette!

  3. Bonnie Povondra says:

    Congratulations on your new office associate position and your weight loss.
    I miss seeing you protecting are hallways here in the Sorrell Education building. Best regards with all your new endeavors.

  4. sue anson says:

    Glad to hear you have your priorities in line! God should ALWAYS be number 1. I converted to the Catholic faith 2 years ago, and I LOVE it!!!

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