Wellness Wednesday – Skin scan can catch problem areas

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States.

Finding spots on your skin that could be cancerous is as simple as looking at your skin.

A short video from the American Academy of Dermatology demonstrates how to check your skin and what to look for.

When examining your own skin, stand in front of a mirror and follow these steps:

  • raise your arms and examine the right and left
    sides of the body;

  • bend your elbows and look carefully at your forearms, upper underarms, and palms;
  • next, examine the back of your legs, spaces between your toes and your soles; and
  • examine those hard-to-see areas like your back, buttocks and the top of
    your head. Use a mirror to inspect the back of your neck and scalp, partng your hair for a better view.

    See a dermatologist to check out anything unusual.

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