UNMC LiveGreen: Employees honored for ‘green’ efforts

UNMC employees are an innovative, energetic group.

When they turn their attention to helping the environment, even in small ways, they are creative and effective.

The recipients of this quarter’s Green U Awards have been recognized by their coworkers multiple times in the past quarter for their commitment to environmentally sound practices at home and work.

The awards are given in four categories — Innovation and Implementation, Volunteering, Education and Promotion, and Waste Reduction.

This quarter’s top awardees were:

  • Innovation and Implementation — Anne Rivas;
  • Volunteering — Mark Huss;
  • Education and Promotion — Kristin Watkins; and
  • Waste Reduction — Donna Czarnecki.

If you know of an employee who engages in or “catch” a co-worker engaged in environmentally-friendly activities, send them a Green ‘U’ e-card.

To recognize a ‘green’ coworker, send a Green ‘U’:

  • Log in to Employee Self Service;
  • Select the “Reward and Recognition” and then “Green U Rewards”; and
  • Fill out and submit the online form.
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