A message from the dean

It's a girl! Dean Britigan and his wife, Denise, welcomed their first grandchild on June 25 with the birth of Phoebe Jane Lala in Iowa City. The Britigans’ daughter, Laura, and her husband, Phil, are the parents. Phoebe tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 5 oz. and measured 18 ¼ inches. Grandpa Britigan proudly gushed that Phoebe has already mastered the art of getting her parents up during the middle of the night.

UNMC takes great pride in its 500-mile wide campus which spans the state of Nebraska from Omaha to Scottsbluff.

But, given UNMC’s growing international presence, it might not be too long before we start calling it our 25,000-mile wide campus.

It’s no secret that the world has become a smaller place. Thanks to the Internet and other communications tools, it has become much easier to connect globally.

By tapping into the talents of scientists and teachers around the world, academic medical centers can greatly enhance their operations. It’s what great medical centers do. 

In this month’s issue of InterCOM, Dr. Ward Chambers provides an overview of some of UNMC’s international activity.

From China to the Middle East, UNMC is working hard to extend its reach around the world. And, the College of Medicine is right at the forefront

Some of the college’s recent international accomplishments include:

  • The Department of Family Medicine hosted a Chinese delegation to teach them how to incorporate the practice of family medicine into the Chinese health system;
  • Two Chinese students completed their first year of medical school at UNMC; and
  • Dr. Quan Dong Nguyen, the new chairman of ophthalmology and visual sciences, began work on a number of international research projects.

Also, last month, several longtime College of Medicine faculty and staff retired. They are highlighted in this issue of InterCOM. I want to express my appreciation to all these individuals for their tremendous service to the College of Medicine and the medical center.

In particular, I want to acknowledge Dr. John Gollan, former dean of the College of Medicine, who was among those who retired. Dr. Gollan played a major role in the growth of the College of Medicine over the last decade and his contributions will continue to be evident to us long into the future.

Finally, we had a wonderful dedication event last month in the new surgical simulation suite on the first floor of the Sorrell Center. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Wayne Ryan and his late wife, Eileen, UNMC has among the most advanced surgical simulation centers in the country.

This is a facility that we hope will become a regional training and testing site for medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing physicians throughout the region. It provides a far superior means of training tomorrow’s surgeons and other members of the OR team. It will benefit patients for generations to come.


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