16 UNMC College of Nursing students in Scottsbluff participating in internships

Sixteen students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing West Nebraska Division in Scottsbluff are participating in the UNMC Summer Nursing Internship Program at Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff and Box Butte General Hospital in Alliance.

The spring/summer, 10-week internships provide each senior nursing student with 256 hours of valuable nursing experiences and an opportunity to apply nursing theories and skills as well as make decisions. The facilities provide pay and tuition reimbursement for the students.

The experience exposes students to a great variety of nursing tasks and it benefits the recruiting efforts of the health care organizations.

Listed below are the health care facilities where internships are being performed as well as the hometowns and names of students.

Box Butte General Hospital in Alliance

Alliance — Chelsey Jelinek and Brittany King

Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff

Gering — Allison Furby, Emily O'Boyle, Cortnie Romey

Hay Springs — Brenna Jungck

Morrill — Myrranda Sees-Essex

Omaha — Brian Gertz, James Kuster

Rushville — MacKinsey Skidmore

Scottsbluff — Breanna Elley, Lindsey Feil, Adrian Jochum

Bentonville, AR — Jennifer Tolomeo

Ft. Collins, CO — Alison Poppe

Douglas, WY — Ashley  Clarey

Through world-class research and patient care, UNMC generates breakthroughs that make life better for people throughout Nebraska and beyond. Its education programs train more health professionals than any other institution in the state. Learn more at unmc.edu.



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