Dr. Maurer agrees to extend his term as chancellor

University of Nebraska President James B. Milliken has asked UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., who had announced his intention to step down June 30, to remain in his current role while the university’s search for his successor wraps up.

“I am very grateful to Chancellor Maurer for graciously agreeing to continue to lead UNMC as our search continues,” Milliken said. “This will eliminate the need to appoint an interim chancellor during a critical stage for a number of exciting UNMC initiatives, including development of the cancer center. UNMC will benefit greatly from Chancellor Maurer’s continued leadership at this important time in the campus’ history.”

Milliken said that if it takes longer than a few more months to have a new chancellor in place, he and Dr. Maurer would re-evaluate since Dr. Maurer has already begun to make plans for his future. After stepping down from the chancellor’s role, Dr. Maurer plans to assume a new role leading fundraising efforts for the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Dr. Maurer said, “Helping UNMC maintain its incredible momentum and strength is my top priority. Right now one of the most important ways I can do this is by continuing to serve as chancellor. I was honored to agree to President Milliken’s request to remain in my current role for a few more months, and I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership once a permanent chancellor is chosen.”

Board of Regents Chairman Tim Clare said, “This is a perfect solution that will allow UNMC to continue to maximize its success. On behalf of the Board of Regents, I want to express my gratitude to Chancellor Maurer for his willingness to continue to serve UNMC and the University of Nebraska in his current role.”

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