Faculty members share UNMC memories

Dennis Feely, Ph.D.

Five faculty members, celebrating service milestones of 40 and 30 years, will be recognized during the annual faculty meeting at 4 p.m. April 25 in the Durham Research Center Auditorium.

Below, three honorees share memorable moments:

Dennis Feely, Ph.D.

Dennis Feely, Ph.D., associate professor of oral biology, College of Dentistry, has been at the university for 30 years.

“One of my fondest memories while at UNMC was when I was able to hood my son at his graduation from UNMC’s College of Medicine.”

James Turpen, Ph.D.

James Turpen, Ph.D., is professor and vice chairman for education in the Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy; associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, executive associate dean for Graduate Studies; and instructor of human embryology to first year medical students. He has been at the university for 30 years.

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James Turpen, Ph.D.
“One of my favorite memories at UNMC goes back 30 years, when I first became an assistant professor in the department of anatomy. In the fall of 1983, the department of anatomy hosted the regional meeting of the American Association of Anatomists at the old Red Lion Inn in downtown Omaha.

“The scientific sessions were on a Friday and Saturday, and the department hosted a dinner on Saturday evening. That Saturday coincided with a number of events on my calendar, including Paula’s (Paula Turpen, Ph.D., UNMC vice chancellor for research) and my wedding. Both of our families lived miles away and were unable to attend our event. Although we missed some of the scientific sessions, we spent a major portion of our wedding evening in the company of the faculty in the department.

“The faculty graciously joined our celebration and truly became our new family. The friendships and supportive interactions that developed that evening reflected the exciting and supporting environment that was present at UNMC during that time, and continues to be a hallmark of the UNMC community to this very day.

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John Walburn, M.D.
“That early welcoming experience was instrumental in engendering my sense of belonging to a caring and supportive community. I am proud that we have become a major research institution and pleased that we still maintain that sense of a supportive and welcoming community.”

John Walburn, M.D.

John Walburn, M.D., professor of pediatrics, College of Medicine, has been at the university for 30 years.

“My favorite UNMC memory has to be medical school. We had a blast those four years of intensive learning, becoming involved with all the complicated, rare conditions that are served in a tertiary academic medical center.”

Others with 40 and 30 years of service at UNMC who will be honored at the annual faculty meeting include Jeffrey Baldwin, Pharm.D. (40 years) and Stanley Cox, Ph.D. (30 years). See their memories here.