Meet Outstanding Teacher Awardee William Lyons, M.D.

William Lyons, M.D., right, works with medical student Heather Berney.

William Lyons, M.D., associate professor, department of internal medicine – division of geriatrics, College of Medicine, is among three UNMC faculty members who will receive Outstanding Teacher Awards at the April 25 Annual Faculty meeting.

Below, Dr. Lyons reflects on what it means to be a teacher.

  • Name: William Lyons, M.D.
  • Title: Associate professor, department of internal medicine – division of geriatrics, College of Medicine
  • Joined UNMC: 2006
  • Hometown: Hollywood, Calif.

What are the greatest rewards of being a teacher?
The opportunity to influence the next generation of health professionals, to not only help them acquire knowledge and skills, but to affect how they perceive their life’s work.

Describe a moment when you realized you picked the right occupation.
When I was asked to teach something to a new group by a member of a current group who just heard me talk about it.

What are the biggest challenges you face as a teacher?
Designing a curriculum for an audience of learners with a broad spectrum of knowledge, interests, and experience.

How do you know you have been successful as a teacher?
When I observe a learner, at a later date, spontaneously using newly-learned skills in a real clinical setting.

Three things few people know about me are:

  • My favorite sport is college hockey (I love watching the UNO Mavericks on the ice).
  • I enjoy hearing American history from my older patients. I’ve met people who worked for General Patton, Eleanor Roosevelt and others!
  • I attended college at the beach (in Santa Barbara, Calif).
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  1. Anna Hulbert says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Lyons! I am proud to know you. Thank you for mentoring me from the time I was doing undergraduate (SURP) research with you until now as I prepare to graduate from medical school in a few weeks.

  2. Jen Parsons says:

    I knew you by reputation, before I ever met you. I heard from earlier Geri fellows, 'I want to grow up to be like Dr. Lyons!' …and… 'He's brilliant, and one of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet.' You teach skillfully as an educator, you model powerfully with your life. It is a privelege to know you. Congratulations!

  3. Larry Parsons says:

    Strong work, Bill! Thank you for modeling to me and others what a physician, particularly a geriatrician, ought to look like.

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