Intranet Upgrades: Quick Links, Log In, More

Since last Monday's launch of the new UNMC intranet, the web team has received great feedback and comments on the new changes. With the community's feedback, we have identified a number of issues which the Web Team has addressed with our first round of upgrades. These new intranet improvements include:

  • Quick Links Upgrade: Quick Links has been added to the grey navigation bar at the top of each page. Quick Links takes you directly to a link listing in the Services tab, where you can find all the former content from the old Quick Links page plus many more frequently-searched topics, organized alphabetically for your convenience. As an upgraded version of the old Quick Links page, the Services tab also allows you to search by types of service or by department to better accommodate the way you search for vital information.
  • Improved Information Systems Access: Thanks to your feedback, ADIS, eServ, the TNMC and UNMC-P intranets and other popular information systems have been added to the "Log In" box, next to Search in the grey navigation bar. This will give you one-click access to those systems from any page in the intranet, in addition to other sections throughout the site. New Service Categories: Two new categories of service types have been added to the Services by Type section: Research Services, collecting essential links to RSS, CCTR, and other research-related information; and Hospital Services, such as the UNMC-P and TNMC intranets, Web OnCall, and more. If you are a frequent user of these types of services, we invite you to bookmark them as a more focused version of Quick Links and to send us your feedback on other resources you would like to see added to these sections.

Please note the intranet is a work-in-progress, and we will be adding more information on research and more in the coming weeks. Your feedback is vital as the Web Team continually improves and expands upon this starting point. If you have suggestions for other links we might include in our site or have comments to share, please send them along to us at

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  1. Mary Adolphson says:

    These upgrades were very necessary. I would suggest that prior to another major change that employees be alerted and some of the features explained. I wasted a lot of time looking for what I needed. I don't know if you sought input from employees that have varied uses of the UNMC intranet. If so, you missed the boat this time.

  2. Jerrie Dayton says:

    Thanks for restoring Quick Links. I was really struggling. Apparently my thought process and intiution on how to look for stuff isn't normal because I couldn't find things easier at all. Thank you for helping us by giving us more versatility and trying to keep everyone satisfied. I know that is hard.

  3. Stacie Hamel says:

    Jerrie, thanks for the comment. We appreciate everyone's help and patience. We will continue to make tweaks based on feedback.

  4. Stacie Hamel says:

    Mary, thank you for taking the time to comment. We, of course, did seek feedback ahead of time. It's always easy to look back and think what we could have done differently. Change is hard for many people, though, no matter how much preparation there is. We appreciate that so many in the UNMC community are willing to offer constructive feedback so that we can continue to make improvements.

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