UNO classes to be offered at UNMC

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (Dodge Street campus shown above) will offer classes at UNMC this summer.

Full-time, regular employees of UNMC who want to take advantage of the Employee Scholarship program, which allows employees and certain members of their families to take up to 15 credit hours per academic year at any University of Nebraska campus, won’t have far to travel this summer.

University of Nebraska at Omaha courses will be available on UNMC’s campus from May to August this summer.
Available courses include:

CRCJ 3390-802: Women, Crime and Justice: 5 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. Mondays, May 13-Aug. 9, Bennett Hall, Room 2020.
This course provides a survey of minority groups and their experiences with regard to crime and criminal justice in the United States. The course will focus on racial and ethnic minorities as victims, offenders, defendants and criminal justice professionals. This course meets the US diversity requirement within the UNO general education curriculum. To register requires successful completion of CRCJ 1010, junior/senior standing, or instructor permission. Three credits.

SPAN 1120-802: Elementary Spanish for Health Professions: 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 17-Aug. 9, Bennett Hall, Room 2020.
This course emphasizes the pronunciation, listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing of Spanish terms and phrases crucial to professionals working in the health care field. To register requires successful completion of SPAN 1110 with a grade of C- or better, or placement by department diagnostic exam. Five credits.

GEOG 1060-802: Physical Geography: Climate/Waters: 5 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. Wednesdays, May 13-Aug. 9, Bennett Hall, Room 2020.
Study the position of the earth, the weather, climate, waters and natural vegetation as important factors in man’s physical environment. Construction of maps related to weather elements, stream flow and water budgets, form a part of the class exercises. This course satisfies a natural & physical sciences general education requirement at UNO. There are no prerequisites required to register. Four credits.

To register for any of these classes, you must be enrolled as a student at UNO. To enroll, you must fill out an application and be accepted as a student at UNO. To apply, go to UNO’s website and click on the Future Students link.

Once you have completed the admissions process, you will be given a mavlink account, which you’ll use to register for classes. The summer class schedule is now available on mavlink.

If you have any questions regarding registration and enrollment, contact UNO Off-Campus Programs at 402-595-2371 or

Contact Nicole Krom in Human Resources at 402-559-6020 with general questions.

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