A message from the dean

It’s an exciting time of the year at the medical center.

On March 15, our fourth-year medical students will go through Match Day, a process that determines where they will do their resident training. If you’ve never seen it before, you should check it out. I think it’s one of the most memorable days in the life of a medical student.

The campus will soon be transforming as spring works its magic.

This transformation certainly includes our newest building – the Truhlsen Eye Institute – which opens for its first patients on April 29. This month’s issue of InterCOM provides a sneak preview of the institute, a facility that will elevate eye care to a whole new level in our state.

On May 8, we will break ground on the $370 million Cancer Center, the largest construction project ever in the history of the University of Nebraska.

This week I’m heading to China to advance discussions on a joint medical school program between UNMC and Tongji Medical University in Shanghai. This has the potential to be a major step forward for UNMC on the international stage.

Last month, I delivered my annual State of the College of Medicine address. In case you missed it, here’s a recording of it.

In addition, our Faculty Council leadership team in the College of Medicine heard a presentation by Ayman El-Mohandes, M.D., M.P.H., dean of the UNMC College of Public Health. It was an excellent summation of how Nebraska is doing in the public health arena.

He challenged the College of Medicine to look for ways to partner with the College of Public Health in research and to improve the health of the citizens of Nebraska.

I thought it was an important message. It’s easy for all of us to stay in our silos and not be open to new approaches. The opportunities, especially in terms of preventive medicine, can truly make a difference in the health of our state.