Spirit Week 2012 – Coffee and rolls this morning

Spirit Week continues this morning with free cinnamon rolls and coffee in the Durham Research Center and Sorrell Center from 7 to 9 a.m.

Exercise your greenness and bring your own cup or mug. Free sticks of UNMC chapstick also will be available – just in time for winter!

picture disc.

Head over to the Sorrell Center or to the Durham Research Center for free coffee and rolls.
Other Spirit Week events scheduled for today include:
  • The Diversity Lectures and Cultural Arts Series in the DRC Auditorium from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Magdalena Garcia of El Museo Latino will highlight the current exhibit, which showcases Mexican muralists and New Deal artists. Free lunch is available for the first 50 people.
  • An Omaha Science Cafe on radiation physics at the Slowdown at 7 p.m.


Wednesday’s Spirit Week activities take place at lunch time as between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., employees can:

  • Get free admission to the UNMC ice rink for students and employees ($3 skate rental fee not included);
  • Take pictures in a photo booth;
  • Don crazy hats and possibly win prizes;
  • Enjoy hot dogs from Chicago Dawg House (cash or credit accepted); and
  • Purchase apparel from the UNMC bookstore.

Teams reminded to register

Employees are reminded to register teams for Friday’s “Scavenger Hunt With a Twist,” in which teams of three to five will collect clues around campus and bring them back to the events center, where they will open them to solve a word puzzle.

The hunt starts at 11:15 a.m. Register your team at unmcevents@unmc.edu by 5 p.m. on Thursday.

All week long

Also remember to keep an eye out for red UNMC icon cards. The cards will be placed at random spots around the campus throughout the week. If you find one, pick it up and bring it to the PR office on the third floor of the 4230 Building and get a T-shirt.

This week employees also can enjoy:

  • Free admission to the Center for Healthy Living (includes fitness classes); and
  • An office decoration push. Decorate your office area to show your UNMC spirit. Send photos to today@unmc.edu so they can be featured in the newsletter.

See a story with a full list of Spirit Week Activities.

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