Live United 2012 – Day 14

Today is the final day of the 2012 United Way fund drive.

We have raised $140,647, which leaves us $7,353 shy of our goal of $148,000. Our participation percentage is at 38, which is less than last year’s 41 percent.

We have seen larger final-day surges in the past than the one we will need today to reach our financial goal and to surpass last year’s participation total, so it won’t take a “Miracle.” (EDITOR’S NOTE: That is what we writer types call “foreshadowing.”)

But perhaps we need a little motivation. Maybe we need a pep talk like the one coach Herb Brooks delivered to the U.S. Olympic Hockey Team in 1980 before they beat the Soviets in the “Miracle on Ice.” (EDITOR’S NOTE: More foreshadowing.) Well, we got just the guy.

If that doesn’t that leave you ready to run through walls to participate and donate, I don’t know what will! And if you’ve already donated and participated, don’t you just want to go out encourage your co-workers to do the same?

Well, if not, there’s always Husker tickets and gift cards. Participate by 5 p.m. today to be eligible to win prizes in the final drawing of this year’s United Way Drive. Prize winners will be announced Monday.

So do it! Participate! It’s your time!