Live United 2012 – Day 1

As of 3 p.m. on Monday, the first day of UNMC’s 2012 United Way fund drive, $43,236 had been raised and participation was at 11 percent.

A pretty solid start toward our monetary goal of $148,000.

Once again, we look to improve participation in the drive. Last year, we bumped our participation rate up 8 percentage points over the average of the previous years. A significant feat, yes, but folks, we’re not asking for you to run a marathon here.

We just need a few mouse clicks and if you can afford it, some money for a great cause. In short, participation in the United Way drive is EASY.

How easy? Well …

picture disc.

Some things to keep in mind regarding participation:

  • One — As stated above, it’s easy! On Monday you received an e-mail from United Way. To participate, just click the link in the e-mail, enter the password provided in the email and then participate!
  • Two — Participation doesn’t equate to donation. While it’s preferable that all who participate donate, we realize that may not be possible for everyone. That said, you can choose not to donate once at the site and that, too, counts as participation.
  • Three — Participation can mean prizes! If you participate in the drive, you’ll be registered to win prizes in weekly drawings. Prizes include gift cards to businesses such as Borsheim’s, Best Buy and the Nebraska Furniture Mart as well as Nebraska football tickets.

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