Lookin’ at U — Katie Campbell

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.

This week, we learn more about Katie Campbell, employee relations associate in UNMC Human Resources.

picture disc.

Katie Campbell
  • Name: Katie Campbell
  • Hometown: Wayne, America (as per the town’s water tower)
  • No. of years at UNMC: Five months

What is your best memory from your time at UNMC?

My best memory would be my first week of work. It was Spirit Week and I’m pretty sure every day that week we celebrated with food and entertainment. There were fire jugglers, hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, paper airplane competitions and happy people. I thought to myself, if this is work then I’m definitely in the right place. Of course as the weeks went on, there was less celebration and less food, but I still enjoy working here and feel it’s the right place for me.

Our four brand values are leadership, commitment to excellence, working together and being a trusted resource. Pick one and tell us a time you witnessed it embodied at UNMC.

The Service Awards Dinner embodies every single one of the four brand values. The work and effort that goes into setting up and preparing for the dinner is amazing. People work together to secure the appetizers, dinner, pictures, name tags, flowers, the band and the list goes on. Just the idea of having the Service Awards Dinner to recognize all the employees who have worked for UNMC, all of their hard work, some for more than 40 years, is a great example of being committed to excellence. All of these people working together for years make UNMC as a whole a trusted resource. Chancellor Maurer shows great leadership in holding the dinner to show he appreciates all of the hard work these excellent employees do.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I have three dogs, a cat and an 11-month-old baby. Some call it a full house. I, however, call it a zoo.
  • My favorite food is pickles.
  • I’m addicted to lip gloss and lotion.