David Crouse, Ph.D. |
The reception will run from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Linder Reading Room on the second floor of the Sorrell Center. Call 402-559-5130 to RSVP for the reception.
More about Dr. Crouse — who retires in early September — will be featured in UNMC Today next week.
Thank you Dr. Crouse for your wisdom and advocacy for academic freedom and scientific discovery. Rich Lombardi
Thank you Dr. Crouse for your human kindness and support. Larisa Poluektova
Thank you Dr. Crouse for your constant support and patience, through the many challenges thrown at us in the world of regulatory compliance. In an arena typically devoid of practicality, flexibility and personality, you added all three elements to the mix. As a renegade from the nuclear industry, I thought it would be near impossible to enforce federally mandated requirements in this place of academic freedom. You showed me otherwise. Buona fortuna! Vito Caragiulo