Weekly eTip — Checking Outlook space used

Below are the various ways you can determine your mailbox size to see how much space you use in Outlook:

  • In Outlook 2010, select File > Info > Clean Tools > MailBox Cleanup – View Mailbox size and click the Server Data tab, and it will be listed next to the Total Size (including subfolders).
  • In Outlook 2007, select Tools > MailBox cleanup – View Mailbox size and click the Server Data tab and find the number next to Total Size (including subfolders).
  • With both Outlook 2010 and 2007, you can also right click on your mailbox name and select Properties and select Folder Size and select the Server tab to find the total size.
  • In Outlook Web Access (OWA), you can simply hover your mouse over your mailbox name in the navigation pane and the size will appear.
  • In Outlook 2011 (Mac), right click (Ctrl+Click) on the Inbox and select Folder Properties. Click the Storage tab.

You’ll see the size in kilobytes. You are limited to two gigabytes (GB), which would be approximately 2,048 megabytes (MB) or 2,048,000 kilobytes (KB).


Users should receive notices when they hit the 1.5 GB warning as well as when they hit the 2 GB quota.

Remember, you can click and drag messages to copy to your computer. Then to save space, you can delete those messages from your Outlook email. You will, however, need to have the Outlook application to open the emails, however.

Regular check ups

ITS reminds employees that it is important to check mailbox sizes and delete unnecessary e-mails regularly.

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