Lookin’ at U – Mike Dierks

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.

This week, we learn more about Mike Dierks, workstation specialist in Information Technology Services.

picture disc.
Mike Dierks

  • Name: Mike Dierks
  • Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska
  • No. of years at UNMC: 15

What is your best memory from your time at UNMC?

It has to be the friends I have made and people I interact with every day — and that’s a lot of people. When I hear stories about people’s daily lives, it makes them more than just computer IDs to me. This is really what makes UNMC a great place to work and makes me a better person.

Our four brand values are leadership, commitment to excellence, working together and being a trusted resource. Pick one and tell us a time you witnessed it embodied at UNMC.

It’s hard to pick just one value when they are so connected. Everyday I walk around campus helping vice chancellors, department chairs, division chiefs, administrators and support staff and I see how well the leadership in the departments communicate their ideas to make UNMC a better place. I watch ideas being conceived by employees implemented in ways that make UNMC the best place to carry out the missions we have been trusted with by the people of Nebraska.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I grew up in Alaska and at age 5, I caught my first king salmon. It outweighed me.
  • As an alumnus of UNL and a Husker football season ticket holder. I’m also a supporter of the Huskers’ other sports programs.
  • I enjoy gardening and making my own salsa.

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