Civil War quiz answers

Congratulations to Jolene Tijerina, clinical nurse coordinator in the division of oncology/hematology, who was the first person to respond with the correct answer to Monday’s Civil War quiz

The question is below and the correct answer is bolded.

Which of these Civil War events took place in 1862?

  • A. President Abraham Lincoln issues General Order No. 1 to spur General George McClellan into offensive action against the South.
  • B. General U.S. Grant earns his nickname “Unconditional Surrender” for his victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.
  • C. Lincoln’s son, Willie, dies.
  • D. All of the above.
  • E. None of the above.

You can learn more about the Civil War — and particularly about the events of 1862 — at Friday’s Durham Museum presentation about the Civil War at noon in the Sorrell Center, Room 2018.

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