A bit about chamber music

The section below is from Wikipedia’s entry on chamber music.

“Chamber music is a form of classical music, written for a small group of instruments which traditionally could be accommodated in a palace chamber. Most broadly, it includes any art music that is performed by a small number of performers with one performer to a part. The word ‘chamber’ signifies that the music can be performed in a small room, often in a private salon with an intimate atmosphere. … Because of its intimate nature, chamber music has been described as ‘the music of friends.'”

Such friendly sounds will fill the Durham Outpatient Center West Atrium on Thursday as pianist Terri Heil, violinist Juliet Yoshida and celloist Tim Strang of the Omaha Chamber Music Society perform.

The concert starts at noon. Bring your lunch, sit back, relax and let the music be your medicine.

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