Lookin’ at U – Greg Karst, Ph.D.

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about Greg Karst, Ph.D., professor of physical therapy education and assistant dean for academic affairs in the School of Allied Health Professions.

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Greg Karst, Ph.D.
  • Name: Greg Karst, Ph.D.
  • Hometown: Galatia, Kan.
  • Number of years at UNMC: I'll celebrate my 20 year anniversary at UNMC in June 2012.

What is your best memory from your time at UNMC? One of my best memories is when the Division of Physical Therapy Education won the university wide teaching award a few years ago. For such a relatively small academic unit to be recognized across the entire NU system is a testament to the excellent educational opportunities we offer here at UNMC. Our four brand values are leadership, commitment to excellence, working together and being a trusted resource. Pick one and tell us a time you witnessed it embodied at UNMC. Working together: I see incredible examples of UNMC administrators, faculty and staff working together every day to meet the mission of UNMC. Since moving to a primarily administrative position in the School of Allied Health Professions, I have the opportunity to work with people from all areas of UNMC and am amazed at the dedication, altruism and honesty of the people I am privileged to work with every day. List three things people may not know about you.

  • I grew up in rural central Kansas, attended a two-room elementary school and was a first-generation college student.
  • My graduate degrees in physiology are from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and I remain a rabid U of A Wildcat fan (sorry Big Red).
  • My 12-year-old daughter, Sierra, is the light of my life and has been involved at UNMC since she was 6 months old as a research subject, a Community Academy participant and a volunteer at the Munroe-Meyer Institute's Camp Munroe.
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