Applications are now being accepted for the 2012-13 University of Nebraska Medical Center High School Alliance. Interested students from any of the nine metro-area participating school districts and Educational Service Unit 3 are eligible to apply. Application forms can be found on the website at and must be received by March 7.
Only 50 students will be accepted into the alliance, which is a partnership between UNMC, the school districts and ESU-3. Students must be 16, entering their junior or senior year of high school at the start of the 2012-13 academic year and have completed algebra and biology.
Alliance courses cover a range of health care topics, such as human anatomy, biomedical research, career exploration and medical decision-making. The program lets high school students take college-level courses in preparation for health careers.
The courses, specifically designed for high school students, are taught by UNMC faculty on the medical center campus. The program provides a unique hands-on learning experience that is different from what students would have access to at their high school. Most of the courses offered in the program are eligible for dual enrollment credit with the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
The program is funded primarily through the Sherwood Foundation, but receives support from the UNMC College of Medicine Alumni Association, UNMC, and Omaha Public Schools.
Participating school districts include: Bellevue Public Schools, Bennington Public Schools, Council Bluffs Community Schools, Douglas County West Community Schools, ESU-3, Gretna Public Schools, Millard Public Schools, Omaha Public Schools, Papillion-LaVista School District and Westside Community Schools.
Through world-class research and patient care, UNMC generates breakthroughs that make life better for people throughout Nebraska and beyond. Its education programs train more health professionals than any other institution in the state. Learn more at