Lookin’ at U – George Bellairs

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.

This week, we learn more about George Bellairs in Information Technology Services (ITS) Support Services.

  • Name: George Bellairs
  • Home Town: Independence, Kan.
  • No. of years at UNMC: 23 (Will retire at the end of the month. See sidebar.)

picture disc.
George Bellairs

What is your best memory from your time at UNMC?

My best memories are of all the great people I have worked with and have helped with computer questions and problems.

Our four brand values are leadership, commitment to excellence, working together and being a trusted resource. Pick one and tell us a time you witnessed it embodied at UNMC.

I see my colleagues serve as trusted resources every day as they provide computer support to UNMC, The Nebraska Medical Center, UNMC Physicians and our private associates.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I was the city of Bellevue’s 2011 Volunteer of the Year.
  • While in Army officers school at Ft. Benning, Ga., I appeared in John Wayne’s “The Green Berets” movie. You have to look real hard in some of the back ground shots, but I am there.
  • I am an amateur (Ham) radio operator and a trained storm spotter. I’m often stationed at WOWT Channel 6 during severe storms and relay vital, potentially life-saving information from the storm spotter network to Channel 6 weather staff. This is the perfect hobby for me because I like to “ham it up.”

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  1. sue anson says:

    You sound like a fun guy. Congrats on your retirement; enjoy!!!!

  2. Terese Pollreis says:

    Best wishes to you and your retirement!!!! But are you going to give me your home number so I can get help?? You know how dependent I am on your services!! I have asked you more than once if you'd give me your number so I can call at will. Sure will miss that voice!!!!!!!!!!! Terese at Midtown/turner park/medicine east. Enjoy every day being Saturday!!!!!!!

  3. Paula Turpen says:

    I have appreciated George's excellent customer service many times over the years-always delivered with a sense of humor. Best wishes to you, George, as you begin the next chapter of life's great adventure!

  4. Emily Ziskovsky says:

    George, I hope you have a wonderful retirement! I will miss you!

  5. Michelle Simon says:

    Glad to put the voice with the face George! You have helped me so many times. Thank you!

    School of Allied Health Professions, Michelle Simon

  6. Elaine Ryan says:

    Thanks for all your computer help through the past years. I hope you plan to continue on the golf league even after you retire. Will see you there next summer.

  7. Linda Johnson says:

    Those 23 years have gone by quickly. Your wit an humor will be greatly missed.

  8. Linda Wilkie says:

    Thank you for all the patient advice over the years. I will miss hearing your lovely drawl that always seemed to put any crisis into calm perspective. Best wishes for your next phase of life! Linda Wilkie

  9. Carol Lomneth says:

    I saw the name George and ITS and I could immediately hear your voice. Great to put a face on that very friendly voice at the end of the help line. Many thanks George for all your help over the years it has been great having you part of the team. Best wishes in your retirement, you will be missed.

  10. Larry Walker says:

    Thanks for everything, George!

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