Spirit Week 2011 — Scavenger hunt madness hits campus

Sixteen teams showed up at Sorrell Center’s Truhlsen Campus Events Center for Friday’s Spirit Week Scavenger Hunt with their notebooks, smartphones, calculators and other tools of inquiry.

Check out photos from Friday’s Spirit Week Scavenger Hunt and Spirit Lunch.
But only four, er, make that five, could leave victorious.

Who were they? Read on to find out:

  • First place — Eppley Tumornators (Saili Moghe, Jyoti Iyer, Tom Dao and Miriam Menezes)
  • Second place — The SAHP Vitals (Cindy Skarda, Diane Landon, Geri Finn, Kim Ager)
  • Third place — Bio-scavenge-ticians (Harlan Sayles, Lynette Smith, Gene Boilesen)
  • Fourth place — (Two-way tie) — Printastic (Jolene Gulizia, Eric White, Brittany Bashus, Nikki Ball) and Team Staph (Debbie Vidlak, Monica Holley, Richa Hanamsager)

Want to try it yourself?

If you didn’t get a chance to participate in Friday’s scavenger hunt or just want to see what the hunters had to find, take a look at the checklist that contained clues that helped participants find campus landmarks and treasures.

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