Physician account of Wounded Knee to be discussed on Nov. 9 — DATE CORRECTED

Dr. Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) — a physician who witnessed and recounted the Wounded Knee Massacre — will be the focus of a Durham Museum presentation by Jerome Kills Small on Nov. 8.

What: Kills Small — an Oglala Lakota from Porcupine, S.D. — will give a living history presentation of Dr. Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa). The presentation is part of the museum’s observance of Native American History Month.

When: Noon. Employees are encouraged to bring lunch.

Where: Sorrell Center, Room 2010

Who: Dr. Eastman was a physician for the Indian Bureau at the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890 when he witnessed the Wounded Knee Massacre and later recounted what he saw and did in his autobiography “From the Deep Woods to Civilization.” In the book, he describes the many changes he went through and his service in many areas of Dakota and Lakota Sioux life. He also describes the medicinal foods and plants that grow in the Missouri River valley, on the Great Plains and on up to the Rocky Mountains. He talks about the universal uses, legends and history of the plants in American Indian life.

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