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Lookin’ at U – Michelle Ellermeier

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.

This week, we learn more about Michelle Ellermeier, instructor in the College of Nursing-Kearney Division.

picture disc.

Michelle Ellermeier
  • Name: Michelle Ellermeier
  • Hometown: Glenvil, Neb.
  • Number of years at UNMC: Three

What is your best memory from your time at UNMC?

The overwhelming majority of my memories of working here at UNMC are of laughter and caring, so I really cannot single one out. It would be a disservice to all the wonderful people here to pick just one.

Our four brand values are leadership, commitment to excellence, working together and being a trusted resource. Pick one and tell us a time you witnessed it embodied at UNMC.

We’ve been through some incredibly difficult challenges in the past few years. Facing a mandate to create a concept-based curriculum and convert to a once-per-year admission schedule was overwhelming. The faculty I worked with demonstrated extraordinary commitment to transforming nursing education. To say this work was and is difficult is a gross understatement. Yet it would have been impossible to be truly transformational without the leadership from our administration and our teams. This leadership gave us the much needed security to make substantive, transformative change. Without this, we may well have been too afraid to leave our old courses and the boxes of our specialties.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I was driving tractors and working in the fields by the time I was 8 years old. My first tractor was an Allis Chalmers WD.
  • I currently live on a farm and raise chickens (but just for fun and eggs).
  • I like to do woodcarving, both free standing and relief sculptures.

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1 comment

  1. Ginny Tilden says:

    The successful transformation in the College of Nursing's BSN program is due directly to Michelle and faculty like her — talented and dedicated go-getters who embody UNMC's brand values of leadership, commitment to excellence, working together, and being a trusted resource!

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