United Way 2011 – 33 is for jerseys – not United Way!

The No. 33 looked great on the jerseys of Larry Bird, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Tony Dorsett — but not so much so in the participation percentage column of the UNMC United Way Fund Drive.

picture disc.

The No. 33 looked awesome on Larry Bird — not so good as the United Way drive participation percentage total.
For the past several years, UNMC has surpassed its monetary goal in the drive including last year’s total of $144,305.

But in that same period, UNMC has averaged 33 percent participation in the drive, which, frankly, is sad. Especially in light of the fact that each year, the goal is 100 percent participation.

This year’s drive started today and our monetary goal as a campus is $145,000.

It stands to reason that if we’re able to meet our monetary goals with only 33 percent participation, it should be a breeze to do so with more participants.

A few things to note about participation:

  • One — It’s easy! This morning you received an e-mail from United Way. To participate, just click the link in the e-mail, enter the password provided in the email and then participate!
  • Two — Participation doesn’t equate to donation. While it’s preferable that all who participate donate, we realize that may not be possible for everyone. That said, you can chose not to donate once at the site and that, too, counts as participation.
  • Three — Participation can mean prizes! If you participate in the drive, you’ll be registered to win prizes in weekly drawings. Prizes include gift cards to businesses such as Borsheim’s, Best Buy and the Nebraska Furniture Mart as well as tickets to the Nov. 5 Nebraska-Northwestern football game.

In short, there’s no reason not to participate. So log on, participate, donate and help UNMC meet its goals for this year’s fund drive!

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