Employees asked to help campus weather heat spell

Employees have been asked to take some steps to help keep the stress off the campus cooling system during the heat spell that will hit Omaha in the coming days.

Questions and concerns

Call 559-5001 if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please.

The facilities group will enact several measures at the building system level to reduce cooling loads in noncritical facilities, which may cause some areas to operate a little warmer or colder than normal.

On top of this, employees are asked to:

  • Close shades, blinds and curtains whenever possible to reduce solar heat gain;
  • Lower lighting levels where possible and turn off lights in unoccupied areas; and
  • Turn off and unplug all electrical equipment not in use (computers, coffee makers, printers, chargers, etc.), especially in offices.

“If we all contribute in simple ways, we will get through these extreme conditions with minimal inconvenience,” said Rick Kmiecik, director of strategic energy initiatives.

The facilities team will work hard to ensure that all cooling equipment works to keep everyone as comfortable as possible, Kmiecik said.