Technological advances in temperature control have allowed UNMC to make minor adjustments to its energy policy.
The complete policy, which first was implemented during the energy crisis of 1975 and updated several times in the 1980s, can be viewed online.
Below, Rick Kmiecik, director of strategic energy initiatives, discusses the changes to the policy.
What are the biggest changes in the latest policy?
Why was the policy changed?
Technology has changed and we now have the ability in a lot of our buildings to provide more accurate temperature control while using less energy.
What actions can employees take to help comply with the policy?
Take ownership and be aware of how you the employee can help manage energy in your area through conservative thermostat settings and efficient use of lighting and other power devices.
What else should employees know about the changes?
This campus has many temperature control systems and all of them react in various ways. In the coming months, we will work to inform employees about their various system types and ways that they can conserve energy based on that specific building’s system.