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Salary pool to increase by 2.5 percent

UNMC’s salary pool will increase by 2.5 percent in 2011-2012 and most academic programs will see a 5 percent increase in student tuition under a budget approved Friday by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Other regents news

Two new specialized certificates in public health — one in community orientated primary care and another in maternal and child health — will be offered next fall through the College of Public Health after they were approved Friday by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

“The 2.5 percent increase in the salary pool is important if UNMC is to remain competitive in the global market for talent, especially because this follows two years of no salary raises,” said Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D.

Grateful for government support

Dr. Maurer noted the work of Gov. Dave Heineman and Nebraska’s legislators, who did not cut NU’s appropriation for the 2011-2013 biennium.

Salary increases to individual employees will be based on merit, and specific academic programs will see increases of greater than 5 percent.

Attrition to account for most cuts

With the tuition and salary increases, UNMC will need to reallocate about $1.5 million of its overall budget, which was $585 million in 2010-2011. The reallocation will be spread throughout all campus units.

Most of the cuts will be handled through attrition, said Don Leuenberger, vice chancellor for business and finance.

“We’ve anticipated a reallocation for several years. In fact, we anticipated much worse budget news as recently as 2011,” Leuenberger said. “To prepare, we’ve left open positions vacant. Those positions, as well as employee retirements, will satisfy most of this reallocation.”

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