ITS’ Curt Phillips receives Chancellor’s Gold ‘U’

One day last September, Curt Phillips, a workstation support specialist in information technology services, was set to leave work early when a problem arose with the Employee Satisfaction Survey that Human Resources administered.

picture disc.

Curt Phillips
After a call from human resources regarding the issue, Phillips changed plans, checked on some of the computers used to administer the survey and participated in a conference call with the vendor who provided the software for the survey to help remedy the situation.

“Curt really went the extra mile for us,” UNMC HR personnel wrote in a letter to nominate Phillips for the Chancellor’s Gold ‘U’ Award.

For this and countless other examples of Phillips going above and beyond, he received the honor for the month of April.

Below we hear from the latest Gold ‘U’ recipient.

Describe your job in laymen terms.

I provide information technology technical support for the Chancellor’s Office, the administration building, business services, human resources, the UNMC Bookstore/Parking Services, student services, OSEMA and other areas of the campus as needed.

What is your best on-the-job memory?

I would say it’s not any one specific memory that sticks out but a collection of good memories of the many people I’ve had the pleasure to have worked with in the past and that I currently work with at UNMC.

What is the best part of your job?

My job isn’t routine. There is always something new and exciting waiting around each and every corner. It’s truly amazing to be part of all the incredible growth and change that is constantly happening at UNMC.

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  1. Kris Swan says:

    Curt, you're the best. Congratulations!

  2. Amy Lamer says:

    I cannot think of another individual more deserving of this award. Curt continuously goes above and beyond for our department and does it with a smile every single time. Congratulations, Curt!

  3. Frank Plummer says:

    Well deserved and well done Curt.

  4. Kim Minino says:

    Exceptional customer service. You set the standard for others to follow. Congratulations Curt!

  5. Craig Moluf says:

    Long overdue Curt. Congratulations.

  6. Anne Lawlor says:

    Curt is the embodiment of the Gold U Award. Congratulations!

  7. La-Shon George says:


  8. Jerrie Dayton says:

    Curt is a wonderful tech support person for our department. He is always cheerful, no matter what our problem may be. He always makes sure our issues are resolved by being thorough and dependable. Curt is definitely the go to man and we so appreciate him. He truly deserves the Gold U.

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