Dr. Cornish enters Golden Apple Hall of Fame, Dr. Sharma nets first

Kurtis Cornish, Ph.D., professor of cellular and intergrative physiology, and Ashish Sharma, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, recently received Hirschmann Golden Apple Awards for their teaching excellence.

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Kurtis Cornish, Ph.D.

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Ashish Sharma, M.D.
The Hirschmann Prize for Teaching Excellence is awarded annually to two outstanding College of Medicine faculty members — one clinical and one pre-clinical — who demonstrate devotion to teaching.

The prize was created through the generosity of College of Medicine alumni Dr. Jerome Hirschmann, Class of 1941, a retired cardiologist, and his son, Dr. Richard Hirschmann, Class of 1973, a pediatric anesthesiologist.

Last timer, first timer

Dr. Cornish received the award for preclinical education. It is his seventh Golden Apple Award, which places him in the Golden Apple Hall of Fame and precludes him from receiving the award again. Dr. Cornish is just the sixth faculty member to enter the Golden Apple Hall of Fame.

Dr. Sharma received the award for clinical education. It is his first Golden Apple Award.

More Golden Apples

UNMC’s first and second-year medical students also annually recognize outstanding teachers with Golden Apple Awards, which are presented by the medical center’s chapter of the American Medical Student Association. The awardees were:

  • Geoffrey Talmon, M.D., assistant professor in the department of pathology and microbiology, who received a Golden Apple Award from this year’s class of second-year medical students; and
  • Richard MacDonald, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, who was honored by the first-year medical students.

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  1. Sue Pope says:

    VERY well deserved. Dr. Cornish is one of the most dedicated professors on this campus! Congratulations! Congratulations to all of the other recipients also!

  2. Nilesh Brijwani says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Sharma !

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