Campus investigators are encouraged to attend Friday’s internal medicine grand rounds on comparative effectiveness research (CER).
The Institute of Medicine defines CER as investigations that compare the benefit and harm of alternative methods used to prevent, diagnose, treat or monitor a health condition or improve the delivery of care.
In simpler terms, CER aims to find out what treatment or approach works best for which persons and under what circumstances.
When: Noon
Where: Durham Research Center Auditorium
Who: Robert Ratner, M.D., Georgetown University Medical School and Senior Research Scientist at the MedStar Health Research Institute in Washington, will present “Comparative Effectiveness Research: How is it Different?”
Dr. Ratner recently served as the study director for the Institute of Medicine Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities Committee.
Why: Comparative effectiveness research recently has gained momentum as a focus of the health care community. Funding for comparative effectiveness research was included in the health care reform legislation.