Want to buy or sell something? Use the UNMC Today classifieds

Recently a UNMC faculty member placed a car for sale in the UNMC Today Classifieds, on Craigslist and in the Omaha World-Herald want ads.

The faculty member received about four calls from his Craigslist ad and none from his newspaper listing.

He did, however, receive about eight calls from his listing in the UNMC Today classifieds, including one that eventually led to the sale of his vehicle.

The UNMC Today classifieds are free and can be accessed on the left side of this screen.

Once there, follow the simple instructions to place and/or view ads for:

  • Automobiles;
  • Real estate;
  • Appliances;
  • Sports equipment;
  • Lawn and painting services and more.

Classifieds run for one-week in UNMC Today and can be resubmitted as many times as you need.

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