Avoid slipping and sliding on campus

The snow is here and again we face challenges getting around. We all need to make sure to do everything we can to prevent slips and falls.

Here are some helpful tips from the Employee Safety Committee that will reduce the risk of falling when slippery conditions exist:

Reporting injuries

To report injuries on campus call Security at 402-559-5555 or use the blue light phones. Make sure you contact security even if you call 911 from your cell phone.

  • Wear boots or overshoes with soles. Avoid shoes that have smooth surfaces. If you want to wear heels or other dress shoes, simply carry an extra pair with you to put on indoors.

  • Be alert to the possibility that you could quickly slip on an unseen patch of ice. Test the surface when you step outdoors or out of your vehicle. Avoid the temptation to run or beat traffic when crossing a street. Take small careful steps. When getting out of a vehicle, step, don’t jump. When possible, use handrails, handles — anything that will help you keep your balance. Never run.

  • Your arms help keep you balanced. Keep hands out of pockets and avoid carrying heavy loads that may cause you to become off balance.

  • Look ahead to see where you can safely step. When you step on icy areas, take short, shuffling steps, curl your toes under and walk as flatfooted as possible. Look out for slippery spots. Especially after warm days when the snow melts and refreezes after sun sets. It may be safer in some areas to walk on the snow covered areas to avoid walking on the slippery spots.

  • Report slippery areas on campus to the Facilities Help Desk at 402-559-4050.

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1 comment

  1. Nasi says:

    Great tips, THANK YOU!

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